Sunday, 2 January 2011

Want to be a Director?

Carl and Anne, two of the current Directors
Gosh perhaps I shouldn't have said earlier about how much more work there is to do now at UKOUG, as now I want to try and encourage you to think about being a director. We have 12 directors and each serve a two year term but can then stand for election again. We try and make it that 6 are up for election each year.

So if you are interested in being part of UKOUG and think you have skills that will help, and just understanding the community is a big part of that, give it some thought.

Or if you think there are things we should be doing differently and have experience in running projects or a small business think about it.

It does take up a fair bit of time, most of which is thinking about and commenting on proposals, coming up with new ideas and making sure we learn from experience. It is great we have a mature board but we always need fresh faces to ensure we don't become complacent.

If you are interested I am more\than happy to have a call with anyone but start here.

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