It is important that as a speaker I have my own ideas and thoughts, but that is about my style and predictions, it is not right to make things up or mis-represent, we have obligations to be honest.
The most important measure of a speaker in our world is that if they don't know the answer they say so, and hopefully then go off and find out.
This seams really obvious but I have observed two things that question this.
Firstly I have heard from several people including recently, who don't understand the ACE Program that perhaps in exchange for the recognition you give up on your individualism, you follow the Oracle script. ABSOLUTLEY NOT, at ACE Director level a product manager confirms you 'know your stuff' but they certainly dont cramp your style.
I have written before about Cary and Mogens have completely different styles, and in the comments I suggested, well admitted, that I can be cynical, I certainly don't have a script.
Secondly and more importantly is the need to share only what is correct.
At Collaborate I had the honour of holding a Fusion Review session with Daniel Strassberg from Quest. We asked all the audience one by one what they had learnt about Fusion Applications during the week and if they had any outstanding questions. One person who is actually part of an implementation in his organisation, said he had heard too much mis-information especially from partners. I had personally heard a few assumptions I didn't agree with, but this man articulated the problem really well. it wasn't just a wrong assumption, taken at face value it is a lie, or at best deliberatly misleading. (thank you to Yury for asking me to elaborate here).
If what you are sharing is an assumption, research it and find out, or
say so. Back to Cary he gives fantastic examples of this, especially one
about a light bulb (at 8:00) in his phenomenal personal presentation, he talked about his son teaching him that an assumption can teach you and more importantly others, the wrong thing.
So some mis-information is a wrong assumption, and the same member of the audience then fell into the trap himself. Someone asked me if there was an upgrade from 11.5.10 to Fusion Apps. I explained that Oracle were only intending to provide data migration scripts from R12 to Fusion Apps. He interrupted and stated that his organisation had been given scripts from 11.5.10. I questioned him about it, and asked if they had been specially written for them and he said no, Oracle just gave it to them, standard scripts. After more questioning, it turned out they were a HCM Fusion Apps project and the tables between 11.5.10 and R12 haven't changed significantly, and they were able to use the R12 scripts. It would have been so easy to assume that Oracle had changed their mind about producing scripts for 11.5.10 and users to go home with mis-information.
What do I think or get up to as an Oracle Professional, UKOUG Volunteer, ACE Director? These are my personal views
Saturday, 12 May 2012
Collaborate 2012 - What I Learnt
I love the immediacy of twitter so here are my 'what I learnt' tweets from #C12LV
What did I learn at #C12LV #8
Not just me but all ACEs outside the US now know what 'No Host Dinner' means
What did I learn at #C12LV #7
#Fujitsu was a great sponsor (and my employer), everyone loved the flashing glasses at the party #ilovemyjob
#Fujitsu was a great sponsor (and my employer), everyone loved the flashing glasses at the party #ilovemyjob
What did I learn at #C12LV #6
usergroups will always have a place, asking questions and learning from those who went before #ukoug
usergroups will always have a place, asking questions and learning from those who went before #ukoug
What did I learn at #C12LV #5
cant tell you (what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas) - truth is I simply missed out #5
cant tell you (what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas) - truth is I simply missed out #5
What did I learn at #C12LV #4 -
you can wear anything in Vegas and no-one even bats an eyelid #didireallywearthatoutfitfortheparty? #fb
you can wear anything in Vegas and no-one even bats an eyelid #didireallywearthatoutfitfortheparty? #fb
What did I learn at #C12LV #3 -
new question - Apps users don't always care about the tech but do techies care about the apps? mixed results
new question - Apps users don't always care about the tech but do techies care about the apps? mixed results
What did I learn at #C12LV #2 -
how do you police content at user groups? lots of misinformation around esp in Fusion Apps and new technology
how do you police content at user groups? lots of misinformation around esp in Fusion Apps and new technology
What did I learn at #C12LV #1 - debate is good loved #IOUG
debate on engineered systems
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Collaborate2012 - The Travelogue
I’m useless at getting my blogs done in a timely manner and
as my friend Floyd says “ There are
plenty of travelogues of "I did this
and I attended that and we ate here" regarding Collab” and not to be
left out here is mine.
The Speaking, UKOUG, ACE Director and
Fujitsu roles are covered in the next few blogs.
I travelled to Las Vegas on British Airways
which is new for me, I was a Star Alliance person but with the sale of BMI I am
now BA. On its own the flight was fine but I knew 4 people travelling that day
and both men on different flights got upgrades and the two girls didn’t. I have
a theory that women travelling on their own never get adhoc upgrades but that’s
a debate for another time.
I like the travel time, I get so much done
on flights, my inbox gets emptied and sometimes I even get caught up on my
blogs, but what I do hate is queues. Queues for immigration were in the news
all week, and especially for Heathrow, but on my return it was pretty good,
mine was almost instant but on entering the USA in Las Vegas the non USA queue
was very long. However time passed quite quickly once we discovered the
celebrity in queue, Prof Brian Cox was in town and he was no
better off than us. I tweeted this but didn’t realise he wasn’t that famous
outside of the UK. I don’t understand why - he is gorgeous. I never realised he also worked for CERN, they are one of the casestudies in my 42 Real Life Examples presentation. Anyway he was
directly behind me in the queue and being very British I commented on the
length of it and how hot it was. He didn’t say much; perhaps he was too busy
thinking intelligent things?
The first evening I wandered around the venue. I hate Vegas
you cannot go anywhere without walking through casinos, and I finally find the
short cuts on the last day.
Sunday evening was the welcome parties and the first issue I
have with Collaborate in action. Collaborate is three user groups in one conference,
IOUG, QUEST and OAUG; but apart from the opening keynote and the main party,
everything is separate. You can attend most sessions regardless of who you
registered with, but that is where it ends. For instance if you remember I was
originally turned down by OAUG and was speaking for QUEST so my registration
was with them. Then I was asked to speak at an OAUG session with the UX team,
and I lifted myself above my first thoughts and agreed, so I was an OAUG
speaker. I attended the IOUG welcome party, a very modest affair but more about
that in a moment, then I walked past the OAUG welcome party that was held in
the Aquarium and I tried to explain to the girl on the door but she wouldn’t
listen to me and quite rudely said ‘You are registered with QUEST, your party
is outside’, I was with a friend and was horrified and embarrassed; I was so
sure I would be welcome. I was not the only cross-event speaker, because that is what
it is, three events. All it needed was for a ribbon saying OAUG speaker I could have added
to my registration badge. There are ribbons for everything else.
The reason I went to the IOUG welcome event was because they
were giving their annual Ken Jacobs award to Mark Townsend, who was their Oracle
Board member. However Mark had died suddenly the previous week and the party
became a tribute to Mark. His friends reminisced and we raised a drink or two to
him. I had the privilege of knowing Mark and spending time with him in his native
New Zealand last November on the APAC OTN tour. He had just visited his mum,
and my thoughts over his sudden death are for her and his family; no one at any
age is meant to bury their own child.
The opening keynote was
Captain Mark Kelly, Commander of the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s Final Mission
and husband of former Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. He talked passionately
about how his life changed after her shooting, and the battle for all their
family for her recovery. I wonder how much his thoughts on himself have changed, before the shotting, she was 'His Wife', now he is 'Her Husband'. One story he told was how his wife had had perseverede to converse with Stephen Hawkins, and told Mark he needed to learn patience, now he feels that was her telling him in their past about how to handle her struggle to communicate as she recovers. He also talked about his ambition and his drive to be
an astronaut; he was not a natural genius or leader he had to work at it.
American sessions start really early and I am really pleased I made the effort
to get to this, it was inspiring.
The Party night was a 80s
night and I went to town. I really dressed up for the occasion. The early 80s
were my single days and I loved the idea, but I think the fact I was handing
out the free drink tickets went to my head, or perhaps it was just the drink.
However although I needed friends to help me back to the elevators I was almost
recovered enough to start the next day early at 6am for a call with the UK.
This again is another problem with being in the US, you still have to do the
day job and although I don’t mind, it is a small price to pay for being allowed
the time to attend, 5 mornings of 6am calls and 2 hours of email does
eventually catch up.
After the conference finished
I had the chance to go to dinner with Alex Nuijten and his family who had
travelled over from Holland. That was the highlight of my week, the children
are so well behaved and love trying out their English. It was also one of the
funniest events as well. We were waiting at the train stop that goes between the
Mandalay Bay and the Luxor, when my friend George Trujillo from IOUG arrived with a few
others. He gave me a hug and said it was so bad we hadn’t had the chance to
catch up properly. ‘I can’t chat I am
late already’ he said as he rushed by. Alex’s wife started to laugh and pointed out he was
waiting for the same train as us; where was he rushing to?
I had the Friday free (after the UK catch up), had breakfast
with great friends from Quest and then went to see the Bodies exhibition in the
Luxor Hotel. I have wanted to see this for a while; I was fascinated with the
process of how they preserved the bodies. It didn’t freak me out at all, and it
was incredibly interesting. However I can’t help wondering if the people who
gave their bodies to medical research knew they would become circus exhibits
with people paying for the privilege?
I was lucky on the flight home and had a row of three seats
to myself, so blogging was forgotten and I took the opportunity to catch up on
the sleep. As I said the re-entry into Heathrow was ok, but I still had a 4
hour layover till my Belfast flight and finally getting home at 9pm Saturday.
Monday, 7 May 2012
Collaborate 2012 - Speaking &Fujitsu
I really do enjoy speaking, I love to share knowledge. I am really proud to work for a company that sees the value in that.
My first presentation apart from the IOUC meetings was a small off piste audience where I talked about the choice between upgrading and moving to Fusion Applications. I was scheduled to have 90 minutes but they were running late and I was last of the day. I started a shorter presentation to try and finish on time but they really engaged with me and kept asking questions, in the end it was almost 2 hours.
I also presented with Jeremy Ashley, VP for UX at the Nevada SIG for OAUG and I demonstrated Fusion Financials. This is special for me because I famously said I thought they had made GL sexy, so Jeremy loves the idea of me showing what I meant. I stand by that, everything we do today to make the GL work, we do in Fusion, the difference is you do it all from one place, to hand, embedded, timely and without effort.
Fujitsu had a stand in the exhibition, which is another issue with Collaborate. Although there is one exhibition hall, you have to be aligned with one user group and Fujitsu have value for all 3 memberships. However the position was good and I loved seeing our corporate branding and couldn't resist posing next to the Brilliance Bar.
Fujitsu also sponsored both the Quest welcome party and the 80s party. I loved being able to give out drinks tickets at the event, I felt so important.
My best session was the Fusion Applications Reflection Session which as I promised before I will blog on soon.
My first presentation apart from the IOUC meetings was a small off piste audience where I talked about the choice between upgrading and moving to Fusion Applications. I was scheduled to have 90 minutes but they were running late and I was last of the day. I started a shorter presentation to try and finish on time but they really engaged with me and kept asking questions, in the end it was almost 2 hours.
I also presented with Jeremy Ashley, VP for UX at the Nevada SIG for OAUG and I demonstrated Fusion Financials. This is special for me because I famously said I thought they had made GL sexy, so Jeremy loves the idea of me showing what I meant. I stand by that, everything we do today to make the GL work, we do in Fusion, the difference is you do it all from one place, to hand, embedded, timely and without effort.
My best session was the Fusion Applications Reflection Session which as I promised before I will blog on soon.
Collaborate 2012 - The ACE program
I often say how proud I am to be part of the ACE Program, and again they made it possible for me to attend Collaborate.
Also and more importantly to me the ACE Program enabled the Fusion Apps UX Advocate program to happen and that is my real passion, learning and sharing the knowledge.
On the Sunday at Collaborate we had a few more hours of Fusion UX training. I like to work with Internet access I am a real cyber junkie but on this occasion I decided I could do without it. We were not in the main Collaborate area which had wifi hotspots, not ideal you had to leave the sessions to access it. Here in the other area public wifi was available HOWEVER it was a little bit more than the daily mandatory resort tax I was already paying for wifi but only available in my room.
We looked at the first mobile applications for Fusion, look out for announcements here. We also looked at design patterns for the iPad. Fusion Applications really are bringing the way we use It in our lives into our enterprises.
There were more video shots for the Face of Fusion campaign and I took part in two more UX testing sessions; Matrix Management and Organisation Modelling.
There was an ACE Dinner and it was great to relax with friends.
Also and more importantly to me the ACE Program enabled the Fusion Apps UX Advocate program to happen and that is my real passion, learning and sharing the knowledge.
On the Sunday at Collaborate we had a few more hours of Fusion UX training. I like to work with Internet access I am a real cyber junkie but on this occasion I decided I could do without it. We were not in the main Collaborate area which had wifi hotspots, not ideal you had to leave the sessions to access it. Here in the other area public wifi was available HOWEVER it was a little bit more than the daily mandatory resort tax I was already paying for wifi but only available in my room.
We looked at the first mobile applications for Fusion, look out for announcements here. We also looked at design patterns for the iPad. Fusion Applications really are bringing the way we use It in our lives into our enterprises.
There were more video shots for the Face of Fusion campaign and I took part in two more UX testing sessions; Matrix Management and Organisation Modelling.
There was an ACE Dinner and it was great to relax with friends.
Collaborate 2012 - Las Vegas
As UKOUG President I was representing us at the recent
Collaborate. Although not an official meeting place of IOUC like Oracle Open
World (OOW) and the Presidents’ Summits, there are always meetings arranged and the
committees have public meetings to show users what they are up to.
Sunday like at OOW is
traditionally SIG day, with the main conference kicking off on the Monday; the
IOUC Product Development Committee (PDC) had their open meeting in the afternoon, and
although I am no longer chairman I am still very passionate about what they do.
There was a reasonable audience and a lot of interest in what we are doing; it
is all about educating users who want to know more than just what the products
do; and sharing their needs back with development.
I also had a meeting with the Higher Education User Group (HEUG) ,
this organisation is a global industry group with a good membership in Europe
and they want to have an EMEA event in the UK in September. They concentrate on
how Higher Education uses the Campus Solutions, and work very closely with the
development team at Oracle. One of the benefits of the IOUC is that usergroups
work together and avoid conflicts and misunderstanding; by engaging with UKOUG
now, the HEUG can ensure they don’t clash with any of our events and that we
can jointly promote. We don’t have education specific content, but do have the
technical content that their member organisations can benefit from; equally
some of our members from Higher Education have colleagues who have interest in
Campus Solutions. I am looking forward to meeting Jane Broad their UKOUG
Director at the EOUC Presidents’ Summit in a few weeks.
I met with Steven Chan, the Tom Kyte of Oracle Applications.
Every user who looks after EBS follows Steven’s blog, and every year when in the
US I ask him to come to the UK for our event; however Steven has a big team
and doesn’t have the ability to travel as much. We have Nadia Bendjedou who
covers EBS technology and is a very popular presenter but to bring Steven to
UKOUG with Nadia would be fantastic. I am really pleased to announce that
Steven will be with us in December. We talked about how we might make best use
of his time and at the meeting we were joined by Elke Phelps who now works for
Steven; you may remember Elke she won best overseas applications speaker at
our Inspiring Presenter Awards UKOUG2010.
I also met with David Peake Product Manager for APEX, this
is a growing community in UKOUG and he is always keen to help us bring the
right content to our events.
The IOUC also had people who had been part of Fusion Nation
at OOW2011 take part in video’s for the Oracle Fusion People they are hosting. I
do lots of videos and find them quite enjoyable but I did have Floyd Teter from
OAUG dancing around in the background, I kept my composure but other delegates
and convention staff all stopped to watch his antics. When the video is ready I’ll
let you know.

Profit Magazine had a relaunch and user group leaders were
invited to the party. You had the opportunity to have a front page mock up, a
bit of fun. It was another opportunity to influence Oracle and make the US
teams aware that there are usergroups outside the US.
ODTUG don’t take part in Collaborate, they have their
conference KScope in June. A lot of speakers who have in the past taken part in
KScope can’t this year because of a change in ACE Director funding. I was due
to take part and UKOUG was prepared to support as a show of support. I hope it
won’t affect UKOUG too much but we care about the other groups. Unfortunately
because of work commitments I cannot now attend KScope but our Vice President
Lisa Dobson will attend on our behalf. ODTUG took those who support them and
were at Collaborate to dinner and I was able to talk to their President Mike
Riley about the measures they were taking to minimise the impact on their
event, which has now recovered from the wobbles and on track again to be a very
successful event.
There were no new announcements at Collaborate which disappoints
me a little, Charles Phillips always attended and had announcements to make,
both lifetime support and apps unlimited for Collab announcements. As far as I
know Mark Hurd has yet to attend a user group event.
There were two sessions at Collaborate I really enjoyed and
would like to consider for UKOUG. The first I was involved in, Quest asked me
to be on a Fusion Applications panel session, but this was different, it was
actually a Reflection session, what had people learnt, and what questions did
they still have? It was very interesting and included organisations looking and
one who had actually started their implementation. There was agreement that there
was actually a lot of misinformation which is something I am thinking seriously
about and will blog on soon.
The second session that I want to talk about was the very
last session from IOUG; they had a debate facilitated
by Todd Sheetz on ‘the rise of the examachines!’ It was excellent, they had 3
people on each side that had prepared arguments and then had a fantastic debate
on the pros and cons. It was educational, entertaining and a great way to wrap
up the event. The audience was really engaged and the turnout for the very last
session of Collaborate was brilliant.
As ever there were lots of
conversations with user group leaders, vendors and Oracle. I am so proud to
represent UKOUG, we are the best user group in the world, and I want us to stay
that way.
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