Monday, 14 February 2011

Fusion User Experience Advocates Program

In an earlier post I said I was part of a small group from the Oracle Ace Program taking part in the inaugural training for the Fusion User Experience Advocates Program

This took place on Thursday 27 Jan at Oracle HQ in Redwood. We were collected from our hotel by limo. I am easily pleased as a Brit as this is a rare occurrence, please don't burst my bubble by pointing out a limo is cheaper than the number of taxis required for us all!

But I am ahead of myself, normally any event starts with the first hour getting to know each other, so as most of us were in town for the IOUC summit, we had the opportunity to go to dinner with the Fusion UX team the night before. We had a private dining room at the Mistral which is a great restaurant, just round the lake from oracle. It was a great chance to meet more of the UX team, I already knew most of them and the ACE program participants, but not everyone else had meet and it was a great night out.

The mix of ACEs was great, mainly functional or traditional oracle technology but we also had Ed RowskeEd Roske who is Hyperion which is leveraged a lot in the Fusion Solution. Taking part was Sten Vesterli, from Denmark, Sten and I had had previously done a deep dive on the Fusion Apps UX journey with Elke Phleps. Ron Batra , Michael Rulf who heads the Fusion Council for OAUG and Karen Brownfield an expert in the traditional EBS workflow and very experienced EBS consultant. Bex Huff is the person I knew least but he was greet to work with and has a wide range of knowledge that he brought to the group.

Missing on the day but someone who can't be left out and was able to catch up on a webcast as he had covered most of the content before was the wonderful Floyd Teter.

So what did we do? Having gone through the overview to understand how and why UX, we were introduced to the demo. It covers most of the navigation and types of features for Fusion Apps and we will be able to use it as we need to. Then we got to present to each other in groups of two, and then split into groups of 4 and presented back to the UX team. It was amassing how quickly people brought their own experience and knowledge into the demo to enrich it. The ACE program is described as evangelists and this truly was a test of that.

Later we saw his presentation on how FMW built Fusion Apps UX from Patanjali Venkatacharya, he then answered questions we all had.

Prior to GA - General Availability there are lots of restrictions and we can only use a canned viewlet with specific permission, but that is a small price to pay for this great heads up.

Thanks to everyone of the UX team for making this happen and to my ACE colleagues who did me proud.

And then this week at RMOUG I get to include the demo for the first time.

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