Sunday, 24 March 2024

New Look UKOUG

Linkedin is full of posts about Oracle Cloud World Tour London and many of the pictures include people wearing a new badge.

UKOUG Have updated their logo and what they stand for in their DISC mission. 

I love it.

Every organisation should regularly review what they stand for, internal and eternal opportunities and challenges to ensure they are relevant to their existing and potential members. As a Chartered Fellow of the Institute of Directors, this governance has always been important to me; so pleased to see it front and centre of this renewed board.

I am very proud of my time on the board of UKOUG. It has had its own struggles as well as the Covid years that hurt all usergroups, but this renewal looks good.

I hope as a member, content provider and speaker I can continue to be part of UKOUG and that it goes from strength to strength. 

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