Monday, 5 March 2018

The Legacy of A Great Friend

John Schiff died at the weekend. It was expected, he had found out he had leukaemia last October and he spent his last weeks at home with his family and hospice care. 

John was head of JD Edwards World product and a great friend to both UKOUG and me personally.

From the time Oracle purchased PeopleSoft and therefore JD Edwards, John worked with UKOUG to ensure his customers had a user group to support them in the UK. He supported them becoming members and even at a difficult meeting a few years back supported JD Edwards being part of the wider applications community.

He brokered the relationship between UKOUG and QUEST which has always been for the benefit of our members.

He cared so passionately for the customers who used the product he had invested so much of his career to.

But John was also my friend. I travelled for several years to Denver for the RMOUG conference each spring and John invited me and my daughter to his home. His family were so welcoming. He and his wife Eileen took me to their local restaurants and we shared many glasses of good wine and stories of our families and faith.

I raise a glass to you John. 

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