Sunday, 27 September 2015

UKOUG - Everything between the database and the applications

important note: This event has been cancelled, I am very disappointed but we do listen and will do its all at conference.

We listen to the user community and the feedback we’ve received about the agenda has highlighted to us that the topics being covered are too broad and that the majority of people are finding more benefit from similar topics being covered at the forthcoming Apps15 & Tech15 conferences in December. We therefore feel the decision to cancel is the right one.

I'm not technical, or rather I don't actually do technical, but I understand it and more importantly in my role, I know its business value.

IT moves quickly, and in this area of development, apps server, middleware and technology for Cloud, the rate of change has been phenomenal. We need to keep up with this change and understand what it means.

We have a fantastic event for you on 6th October in the Oracle Offices in London, this is a combined SIG, and we hope it appeals to those who are part of the Development, Apps DBA and SIGS and a wider audience from our membership.

We have had two Apps Innovation Days, one for HCM and the last one for Financials was almost too technical, so I hope our Apps Tech Innovation day hits the mark.

We are looking at what Cloud means in all our worlds, Java, Development, Mobile, and where it makes sense and what it really means.

We will have a discussion facilitated by Jason Lester, Chair of the Apps DBA SIG and kicked off with my thoughts on how the Digital Disruption we hear about affects our world, your world, your job, and any outstanding questions we will put to experts for answering at UKOUG in December.

So what should you do now? Register for this great event in October, and for our conferences in December.

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