Sunday 22 September 2024

Oracle Open Cloud AI World - The Messages

Well, it my time to share my thoughts on OCW which was 10 days ago but I still keep finding scraps of papers with notes and to-do lists!

The announcements on AWS partnering with Oracle, were very well received and the message definitely was from all parties that customers want and demand the option to pick and choose what works for them. Seeing Larry onstage with AWS was I suppose inevitable, despite how unlikely it would have seemed in the past, all the other cloud providers already had agreements.


Then it was all about AI, at all levels, how AI in the infrastructure is being used to stop cyber-attacks, which themselves are using AI to be ever devious. How AI is being used to take coding to a new level, DevGen allowing the magic to happen from the database up to the applications, but only because the infrastructure now supports it. The analogy Juan Loaiza used of upgrading from to a supercar but not getting the benefit if you are still on a dirt road was perfect. You have to upgrade the infrastructure too.


I loved Safra’s keynoteI continuing the CloudWorld mantra that customers are partners, the Oracle technology need’s a customer use case to shine. Her approach of telling the stories through these customer partners is key. The CIA section made me smile, their speaker, the La'Naia Jones CIO started as a DBA, and remember they were Oracle’s first database customer. I am going to use her as an example the next time a DBA asks me if their job will go, aim high! 


As an applications person, Steve Miranda was the highlight for me. The generative AI he promised last year, has been delivered, in fact over a 100 examples when he promised 50! The AI agents he showed promise so much and the speed of innovation in cloud makes me confident. The demo of him needing equipment on a business trip and doing everything from receiving a quote in Japanese on a piece of paper, photographing it, emailing it, the requisition and PO being auto generated and eventually being paid, all through his mobile was brilliant. I loved that he also pointed out that Mastercard virtual payment card was now available, another promise from last year and Inoapps were the first customer to use this as mentioned in the Mastercard Earnings call.


I’m mainly an apps person but the technology fascinates me and I need to know how it works, In Inoapps we have been working at using the native AI offered with OCI and Autonomous and it was great to see other use cases and explore the different components that make it all possible. I had loads of questions but had the advantage of visiting a great friend Michelle Malcher after OCW, who works in Database PM and she answered all my questions. 

Sunday 30 June 2024

Success is not just winning

 The UKOUG Annual Awards were held last week and I attended with the unbelievable honour of being shortlisted in 3 community categories, Woman in Technology, Inspiring Individual and Best Speaker.

When the short list came out the one I was most proud of was best speaker. This list is simply the 3 best scores for speakers at the last UKOUG event. My presentation that scored so high was 'All You Need To Know About Oracle', a session I put together many years ago for new colleagues as a whistle stop tour around the Oracle world. I believe it is funny, irreverent and educational. It is always being updated but I had never given it publicly. 

The event was held at the very impressive Oracle Red Bull Racing HQ in Milton Keynes.

Last summer at KSCOPE I was doing the newbie orientation session and one delegate said afterwards he had hoped the session was about Oracle rather than just first time attendees. I told him about my session and offered to do it as a webcast just for him if he would give me feedback, and then I might do it externally. He loved it so I submitted it for UKOUG and they accepted it. The room was packed, many existing Oracle people who wanted to get a broader picture and many new to our world delegates. I was a bit nervous to see Jen Nicholson who keeps all the ACEs in check in the room, but her feedback was great. So to achieve a top 3 score for the entire event was real confirmation that it was a good session. I have since gone on to deliver this at other events and it is on the  agenda for this year's KSCOPE in just a few weeks. With Jen's encouragement I also presented it to an intake of Oracle's graduate program in their Austin HQ earlier this year. 

The other speakers on the shortlist were Connor McDonald and Chris Saxon, both from the Oracle Ask Tom team. I have known Connor for ever and Chris for a long time, and there is no doubt they are top presenters. I knew Connor would win, his presentations are beyond great. To be on the list with him was a real box ticked.

For the Woman in technology category I was shortlisted with Lydia Maksoud and Michelle MacDonagh. I had never met Michelle before but was sat next to her in the awards dinner and want to stay in touch. I have posted before about my love of mentoring, and the payback when a mentee has succeeds in their field. Last year I posted about Lydia Maksoud, one of 4 new ACE Associates I had the privilege of mentoring through the process, giving them the self belief in what they do. So when Lydia won the award it was amazing a young woman at the early part of her career is recognised for her contribution, and like a proud mum I felt a tiny little bit of that was my encouragement.

The final category I was short listed for was Inspiring Individual, I was nominated here by Abi Giles- Haigh, who herself was shortlisted and Philippa Clifford Davies. Both ladies are amazing WIT advocates and leaders in their field, so I was super proud to win the category. I took the opportunity to thank everyone, especially my employer who sees the value of what I do, encourages and support me. 

My manager, Fiona Martin is also a very dear long time friend and I couldn't have been more pleased when she was recognised with joint  Leader award at the end of the evening. 

We aren't always recognised for what we do, but when we are it is a great feeling. Take the time to recognise those around you, encourage them and watch them flourish.

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Why Didn't AI work for Me?


A great friend and fellow Oracle ACE Director, Opal, has written an amazing series on AI in EPM

The first and introductory blog wasn't about EPM, it introduced generative AI, setting the foundation for everyone, by investigating the technology behind a bit of fun we had in the ACE program.

When I read her Linkedin post announcing the blog, I was intrigued, I had the ACE Superhero Avatars and am really disappointed in them, I read the blog and was blown away by how deep she had dug into what, as I said, I simply saw as a bit of fun. So I commented on it.

In précis she explained how the WEDO team inside Oracle, who build cool and exciting things to showcase Oracle technology, had set up this generative AI to take a set of superhero photos and generate new avatars based on photos of the ACEs who uploaded their headshots.

I have worked with the WEDO team before, they are based in Spain and full of young dynamic people bringing technology to life. When working for Accenture, we had one of their visual demos on our stand at an event in London. It looked like a scalextric set but it was run via commands in Oracle standard apps, E Business Suite, Transportation Management etc.

People loved it. So when Opal said they were behind the avatar project I wanted to know more.

My experience of the ACE project was disappointing. I was on the road and I sent pictures already on my phone for them to use, I didn't spend time on creating new ones. The results were terrible, none of them looked like me at all. 

Well except the non superhero or glamorous one! 

As more and more ACEs posted theirs I was so jealous. Theirs all looked really good. So I reached out, and begged for another voucher. The nice people in the ACE program felt sorry for me and let me have a second attempt. I took great care to take selfies in the same pose as the base avatars, believing I was giving myself the best chance. The email with the pictures arrived and I opened the attachments with great anticipation; I was equally disappointed.

As time went on, and I saw more and more posted in various channels I decided perhaps it was just better for men, then Opal and other ladies posted theirs and I felt deflated; theirs were definitely better.

Don't get me wrong, the pictures are excellent quality, they simply don't look like me.

One thing was that those disappointed were not posting their results so actually I was only seeing the best, and as some discussed on our slack channel I decided the problem was age. The closer you were in age to the original picture, the more recognisable the generated picture. I guess some kind of bias in the algorithm based on not many superheroes being old!

A couple of weeks ago was the Oracle CloudWorld Tour in London, and WEDO had a stand. They had a different take on generative AI. They took a photo of you and you described what you wanted the background to be, and the AI would generate the picture. I had to have a go. 

I asked to be underwater in a beautiful reef with a manta ray and an octopus in the background. It then generated this picture. Not bad.

I spoke with the  WEDO team and discussed my theory about the superhero avatars  bias and they agreed. As we discussed it, I realised it wasn't just age, but also hair colour; not many superhero's are grey!!!

My ACE avatars may not be as exciting as they were in my mind, but not quite an hallucination. 

Thank you again Opal, the  WEDO team and the ACE program for opening my mind.

Sunday 24 March 2024

New Look UKOUG

Linkedin is full of posts about Oracle Cloud World Tour London and many of the pictures include people wearing a new badge.

UKOUG Have updated their logo and what they stand for in their DISC mission. 

I love it.

Every organisation should regularly review what they stand for, internal and eternal opportunities and challenges to ensure they are relevant to their existing and potential members. As a Chartered Fellow of the Institute of Directors, this governance has always been important to me; so pleased to see it front and centre of this renewed board.

I am very proud of my time on the board of UKOUG. It has had its own struggles as well as the Covid years that hurt all usergroups, but this renewal looks good.

I hope as a member, content provider and speaker I can continue to be part of UKOUG and that it goes from strength to strength. 

Monday 20 November 2023

Apps Unlimited and UKOUG

 Last week I was at TVP (Thames Valley Park), Oracle's biggest campus in the UK, for the first time in 3 years.

The road from the city feeds into a roundabout,  a motorway spur also ends. Always busy but an easy route, except when the city entrance to the roundabout is closed for roadworks and the detour is a good 20 mins, around the roundabout, up onto the motorway in the wrong direction, off at next junction, all the way around 2 more roundabouts and back onto the motorway to join the original roundabout several miles down the road! Apparently it was due to be finished before the biggest event held there since covid, but in true, sod you tradition, the workmen were delayed. Not fun, but all added to the joy of commuting, many of us have forgotten.

The Tuesday was Apps Unlimited, an event I was originally going to miss, as I had a postponed from before C holiday in Jordan planned. However my airline have decided it is not a good destination currently so hopefully 3rd time lucky.

My company do a lot in Apps Unlimited especially EBS and Hyperion, so we had a presence. For me it was important to listen to Cliff Godwin and Nadia on what's new in EBS, and then to hear a couple of customers tell us what they are unto. Richard Semple from UKSBS talked about their mid term plans and I was really interested as I was part of the original implementation at Research Council. (Now that is based in Swindon and they have a magic roundabout that makes the detour move look simple)! This is the  kind of work I am doing more and more off, planning for cloud but continuing to use and improve EBS in the  short term.

That evening was a ACE dinner. The ACEs had had an adventure that day in Oxford which I was unable to attend, but it was great to catch up with everyone at dinner.

I also did a guest blog for the ACEs so not a lot more to say.

UKOUG was hosted by Oracle in the campus. It was limited in number by the building and was technically sold out, but it was great to see so many people, old and new. UKOUG were celebrating 40 years of serving the community, and I had previously shared some of my stories.

Whilst I couldn't fly to Jordon, my fellow ACE Director Mia Urman couldn't travel from Israel so I delivered her presentation on RPA in EBS - I enjoyed the session, there was a good discussion around how we could improve EBS.

Then later I presented my 'All You Need To Know About Oracle' session. This is a dynamic session that joins the dots for people new to Oracle.

That evening there was a party to celebrate the 40 years and luckily I was staying at the party hotel so I did quite well with sleep.

My final session on the Thursday was on Extending Fusion SaaS inside and out - looking at My Experience and Visual Builder. Again a great crowd and good discussion.

I loved being at UKOUG and Weldon to Richard, the  board and the staff for a successful few days.

Friday 17 November 2023

Four of a Kind - New ACE Associates


Two years ago, the ACE Program was in doubt, COVID and successive changes within Oracle meant that the program had struggled for a while but thanks to Database Product Management recognising the value to Oracle, the ACE Program was not only saved, but revitalised. 

At its relaunch those in the program were asked to help grow the numbers especially in areas under-represented. I wrote LinkedIn posts to amplify these messages and asked especially those in the applications world to reach out if they were interested.

Many people did and sadly I told more people than I nominated, that currently they didn’t have the experience to make the program. The ACE Program is not simply about being an expert in your field. It is about sharing that knowledge with the community, as you and not just as your company. I hope those conversations lead to them doing that, writing articles, speaking at events, sharing tips in Oracle Customer Connect etc.

I did help 4 people with their nomination, listening to what they have done and helping them with their nominations. This week the 4th has been awarded ACE Associate. It was such a privilege to be part of their journey. 

Three of the Four are like me – Fusion Applications and I'm also really impressed that all four are exciting women in IT, although I'm also happy to mentor male advocates.

Karen Settembrino – a payroll expert and long time volunteer with OHUG. What impressed me with Karen was her advocacy and knowledge sharing with her professional body, the American Payroll Association as much as within our Oracle world.

Jennifer Mitchell, is a colleague and had worked with me and Oracle Development on a PoC for Oracle HCM My Experience. This giving feedback to Oracle is a key part of the ACE Program. She also assisted Oracle in Journeys sessions at Blueprint 4D.

Lydia Maksoud is an EPM expert. I met her through ODTUG where I am a board director and have seen her develop from a nervous co speaker in previous years to a confident sharer of knowledge. I also had the privileged of sitting with Lydia at her first ACE dinner during UKOUG this week.

Tobie Engel, is actually a customer of my company, and shares the many experiences of moving her organization from JDE to Oracle Cloud and all the different areas this touches. She is always learning and exploring what comes next and then being part of the conversation with Oracle and the community.
Although these ladies have all now achieved their ACE, it wasn't simple. Two had to rework their applications and do more to be successful. I like the way the program came back to me as the nominator and worked through their contribution and where necessary gave ideas to reach the standard rather than simply rejecting. 

Remember if it is easy it has no value.

Congratulations Girls – but don’t be complacent, obtaining inclusion in the Program is easier than maintaining it. Keep up the great work and enjoy your journey and the opportunities this will bring you.

Wednesday 4 October 2023

So just how busy was I at OCW 23?

Just before Oracle Cloud World, OCW, I blogged about how full my dance card was, and several people commented that they'd actually tried looking at the fan to see what that meant so it's only right that this post tells you more about my trip. 

I had three presentations at OCW, one on road mapping for apps unlimited customers and two on visual builder. As an ACE Director this meant I had program funding for the event generously topped up by my employer. The two visual builder sessions were unexpectedly full, the capacity of the room was over 200 and both sessions had very few spare seats. This is such a turnaround from last year when visual builder sessions were poorly attended, let's hope this is a corner turned on organizations understanding what visual builder brings to them for their fusion apps. Having said that the first question in both sessions was what about APEX? 

The first session was a panel where several organizations shared their experience in using visual builder with fusion. Basheer Khan was immediately before me on the panel, and I knew he had a really big example to share where his company had rewritten a module they had previously written in ADF. This is a great example and demonstrates many of the features that are now open to all organizations. Basheer and his colleague Gustavo along with myself make up the only three ACE Directors specializing in Fusion apps and technology. I talked about a few more modest extensions we had written for customers and to extend My Contractor demo (I have another presentation that talks about extending inside and out which covers both Oracle My Experience and the embedded visual builder). 

The second session was with Jeff Price the VP for visual builder for Fusion. Originally Jeff was going to talk about how visual builder is available, the different ways of using it and then I was going to follow with more end user examples, but on the two occasions Jeff and I talked about this in preparation it became more of a discussion and so we decided to just let the session flow. This is a great example of where two speakers have absolute trust in each other, understand the message they're trying to get across and instinctively know how to manage the time. It worked, Jeff would explain something, and I would give a practical example and we were able to convey everything that Jeff wanted to get over in this introduction to visual builder in Fusion presentation. We were the last session of the day and in fact free drinks in the exhibition started before our session finished and we were amazed that the room was full when we started and even more amazed that everybody stayed and in fact because there was no one on after us, our questions overran by about 20 minutes. People really are interested in what they can do of course we had a little bit of a discussion APEX versus visual builder, and as I say every time I'm asked, there is room for both because Oracle are invested in both of these technologies for different parts of their business, but both equally work with the Fusion environment. 


Having been sponsored by the ACE program I also had ACE duties mainly this is around manning the ACE lounge where people come for a little bit of a sit down a discussion around the program to understand if they are a candidate and what to do and a swag booth where if people simply signed up to follow the ACE program we gave away gifts. I volunteered for the first session Tuesday and last two hours of the show on Thursday and I have to say the first one was like holding back lemmings from a cliff, so many people just wanted the swag . That isn’t a bad thing because now their social feed is going to include information about the ACE program and over time hopefully, they will see the value to themselves of being part of this great community. The last session included the now traditional ACE chocolate tasting where ACEs from around the world bring their local chocolates in and people get to try chocolates from everywhere; there was a lot of sugar consumed! 

I also supported Jen Nicholson in her partner session about the ACE program, this was to explain to partners the value to their employees and themselves from the ACE program and it was great to just be able to constantly give different examples of the value that this brings to an organization. I am incredibly blessed that my company Inoapps sees the value, supports me at every turn, and we have recently added to our ACE portfolio with recognition of Jen Mitchell as an ACE associate. 

I wasn't at OCW as a stand person for Inoapps however on the odd occasion that I had some free time I did go along and support them mainly because I used the stand as a meeting place for either customers or people who had reached out and wanted to talk to me or had been to one of my sessions and wanted to follow up questions. Inoapps had also sponsored the DJ booth which everybody walked through every time they came into the show floor it was a fantastic area. So many people commented on the DJ booth. 


On the actual stand we had a headshot photographer, and the queue was always busy but whilst in the queue our team were able to talk to individuals and took fun photos. Several people who came to see me and I wasn't there had these photos taken and posted them to say how they'd miss me I told you my dance card is just too full. 

I arrived late Friday, and on Saturday morning a colleague and I started the day with a Denny’s breakfast. Anywhere other than the hotel which was simply too expensive! The new Las Vegas was experiencing cybercrime with big problems in some of the hotels and casinos but luckily not the Venetian where OCW was held. After breakfast we walked around the strip and stopped for a drink at the Bellagio only to discover their slot machines were down and they couldn't take credit card payments. I absolutely hate gambling and therefore do not enjoy Vegas as a destination but the impact to these organizations was simply horrendous. 

My great friend Sue Shaw who was once president of the Quest user group was also in town and on Saturday evening, we went to see Menopause the Musical. I'm not sure what I was expecting perhaps something more cynical but actually it was excellent the songs were all songs we know with the words to, simply changed and it was a very humorous look at a very serious issue, after all if we can't laugh at ourselves, we're doomed. I was also impressed at how many men were in the audience also enjoying the show. We also had our annual In-n-Out burger. This is Sue's husband's favorite fast-food restaurant we don't have them in Europe so once a year isn't a bad thing even if it did follow Denny's for breakfast. 

I work for a partner Inoapps and Monday before the conference begins his partner day and on the Sunday evening there was a partner welcome reception where we were honored to receive an award for UK and Ireland, business impact. This is around our managed services offering and continuously bringing the innovation that Oracle delivers to our joint customers and this marks the big change in Oracle. Whilst they recognize managed services is a big revenue stream for partners normally it's not something they recognize with awards. This took place this took on a rooftop bar in the old Fremont Street which is the only time I got to experience the old Las Vegas

The partner event on Monday was about getting heads up on some of the messages that would be made at the conference. I also had meetings along with colleagues with some of the product managers for SaaS. This is one of the best advantages of being in the ACE program is the relationships that you have with product management. Chris Leone has added SCM to his HCM portfolio and I look forward to seeing more development in this area using the visual builder framework and the generative AI that was the star in the center of the whole show. 

One of the customers that I am exec sponsor for is a global construction company with one part going live in February. They had quite a big contingent and so we took them to dinner on the Monday night it, was lovely to be able to talk to them all face to face and virtual working is so much better when it's on a foundation of knowing the people. We were able to talk about challenges and plans for the future. The restaurant had a signature dessert which obviously we had to try. 

Tuesday started really early whilst OCW is very busy, the world goes on back at the ranch and my organization was involved in a demo to a customer in Europe which meant I was online at 5:00 AM Vegas time. I don't mind too much, this is my job but I don't suffer from jet lag so this was a case of me setting the alarm and not simply being up anyway.

Tuesday was also my two visual builder events presentations and I also met with a couple of other partners in niche areas that we are considering working together with. Tuesday evening was our Inoapps drinks reception. Last year I had a problem with my hip and left early as I simply couldn’t stand any longer, but this year we had a slightly different area of the same bar, and there were seats and my hip pain has gone thanks to acupuncture (ask me about this). 

For me, most of Wednesday was attending keynotes meeting Oracle product managers and listening to colleagues speak. Even though the event it's in just one location there is still an awful lot of walking, and my step count was really high, moving between meetings which inevitably are never close together and requires a lot of logistical planning. My favorite meeting of the day was with Nadia Bendjedou and Cliff Godwin talking about e-Business suite. 

I also had my theatre slot on Wednesday, just 20 minutes to look at the options for apps unlimited customers which is based on my road mapping flow chart. I had a really good turnout of people; all the seats were taken, and people were stood at the back. It's quite a weird experience for the speaker, it sounds like you're talking into a tin can but apparently the audience can hear. I kept checking that they were OK and I would get nods and I could see that people were engaged with me and then all of a sudden everyone looked up I didn't know what the problem was but afterwards I discovered that it was the sound of rain on the ceiling. It didn't affect me, but it did affect my audience. Later Juan Loaiza told us that it happened in his keynote that would have been far more off putting than it was for me. But the session was really successful, and I had loads of people come and ask me questions afterwards which to me is always the best feedback.  

Wednesday evening is traditionally party night or customer appreciation event last year I went and didn't really enjoy it and this year I decided not to go which is a pity because it turns out it was really good and far more my era of music than last year. However the evening started fantastically with the ACE program dinner where I got to celebrate OCW with all my peers and the ACE program and this was fantastically supported by Juan, Jenny Tsai and Andy Mendelsohn from the database whose sponsor the ACE program.

No speaking for me Thursday which meant I didn't have to lug my laptop around the show. I've already said that I did my last ACE duty for the ACE lounge and the chocolate tasting session but it was also about catching up with all those people I've been trying to talk to all week, I had lots of messages saying meet me here at this time and on the whole I did manage to catch up with people who'd come to the stand asking for me and of course I just wasn't there. 

Thursday evening, I had the pleasure of dinner with Jen Nicholson and Connor McDonald and a few other ACEs, it was very quiet and relaxed and away from the conference and it felt good however we all left early as we had our ACE adventure on Friday. 

I broke my shoulder six months ago and it's only just usable in fact I'm writing this blog from Lanzarote where today after a medical I hope to do my first scuba diving since February so when the ACE program announced that the ACE adventure for OCW would be kayaking, I was a bit nervous. I thought I had a great excuse my flight meant that I wouldn't be able to get back from the kayaking quick enough and then Jen said what if we started an hour earlier at that point I realized I wasn't going to be able to get out of this easily I didn't think I could kayak so then the next thing to do was to find someone who would kayak a double canoe on their own. Karen Cannell stood up to do this although several other people also volunteered. 

So just before 7:00 AM on the Friday morning we all met together and were driven to Lake Mead where we were shown our kayaks and what we were doing. Lake Mead is behind the Hoover Dam and therefore there are no rapids, it's very calm and the easiest kayaking you probably will do. It was such fun, absolutely hysterical, they gave us water squirters and there was plenty of fun fights between people. We looked at caves, we played games shouting at cliffs to get echoes - it was brilliant and for me and I was probably able to do about 40% of the kayaking ,which is way more than I ever expected. I was also lucky enough to wear a GoPro and record the day. Alex Nujiten also used his physio therapist skills to get an old lady up out of a kayak. 

I can't thank the ACE program enough for what was just such a fantastic morning away from Vegas. Lake Mead has made me enjoy my week in Vegas. So as I said before my dance card was very full, but as ever it was a great week with lots of things achieved with those different hats that I had on and thank you to everyone who made it possible for me.