Friday, 25 July 2014

Community Powers Oracle

That's the title of my latest post for Oracle's AppAdvantage blog where I take a look at the different community types that can help us learn more.

To see all my posts on this subject check out the list.

Quick Update on two UKOUG Initiatives

I have been busy writing a couple of articles about UKOUG WIT initiative for the OTechMag in the run up to Oracle Open World and also for our own Oracle Scene showcasing WIT participation in our Apps14 & Tech14 conferences in December.

I was appalled in my research that the current figure for Women in STEM jobs is only 13%, which drives home the need to encourage more women to step into IT.

When the media company UKOUG use offered to make a video for use to showcase their work we jumped at the chance to make this one on WIT.

Fiona Martin and I both sit on the UKOUG board as member advocates and know the challenges, but are proof there are great careers for those who are WIT. We recently attended a TParty event for WIT and loved their values of Inspire, Enable and Connect, very similar to ours.

 And where will these women we want in IT come from? They are the Next Generation and this is also a very important initiative for UKOUG. Have a look at our first event at Birmingham City University.


Wednesday, 23 July 2014

OTN The World's Biggest Oracle Community

I have just written my next AppAdvantage blog posting on the value of community learning and was prompted by this infographic just released by OTN. I am very proud to have been quoted although not sure about the no photo profile, I look decidedly male.

Seriously the Oracle ACE program from OTN is a great initiative and I am pleased to be able to do my bit to promote it.

Monday, 7 July 2014

Still Not technical But........

Yes I know, I'm like a broken record but I do like to understand technology even if I am not a practitioner and in my guest blogs for App Advantage I like to talk about it.

If you don't subscribe to this Oracle blog, catch up with my thoughts here.