Friday 28 February 2014

OTN Yathra 2014 - Horns - Not Just My Paranoia

I have mentioned many times in this series of posts that Indian Traffic and especially the use of horns is becoming my nemesis. I have been very open about it at the sessions and had the audiences laughing with me at what is recognised by all Indians as a national identifier.

It isn't just me, even Tim has commented on how much the noise has been a factor on this tour and his total lack of sleep in Hyderabad..

On arrival in Bangalore I was told they even have No Honking Mondays although everyone says it is very ineffective.

When looking at the internet for a suitable link I also found this irreverent and made up article which captures the mood exactly.

When shopping I was asked what souvenir I would want from India, and a car horn would be the most appropriate.

So I am laughing, I love India


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